I enjoyed an extended holiday break thanks to my awesome employer and as any best laid plan goes, I had a long wishlist of projects and things I planned to do over the break and accomplished close to none of them. I did however, take on a “project” that wasn’t on the list so that has to count for something.
Taking advantage of my son’s nap time, I decided to go through my two and half drawers, one shelf and one large under-the-bed container of running gear and do an inventory. It was one of those experiences that by the time I’d taken everything out, sorted, refolded and put a slightly whittled down set of gear back I have no clue how it all had fit in the first place.
This was a somewhat cathartic exercise as I can pretty clearly recall the day I got some of the gear and definitely did some reminiscing of the runs and races in certain shirts, shorts, pants and even socks. I chose to keep certain things for nostalgia purposes despite being on their last life so by next season I will have to do another purge for sure.
Here’s where I netted out:
- 17 tees: ALL from race entries; turns out I have not bought a single running short-sleeve tee just for the sake of buying one
- I moved 2 to a donate pile
- 6 tanks: all of which I purchased
- I really only like two of these tanks. One gave me the worst chafe I’ve ever had in my whole life last summer so it has to go (it was an EMS brand tank); one is a North Face tank that has served me well for a very long time; one is a super lightweight Patagonia tank that is ok but rides up when I run; the best one is a newer one I got last year from LuLu Lemon (worth the investment!)
- 7 lightweight long sleeves: This batch is a mix of race schwag, gifts and a couple purchases
- This set is my favorite batch of gear and represents my favorite season for running, brisk weather when a long sleeve and shorts will do. I love all 7 shirts and they are a mix of Under Armour, Adidas, Brooks and standard wicking shirts.
- 9 heavyweight long sleeves: I like all of these but could quickly see I use the same 3-5 consistently. I guess I never make it to the bottom of the pile.
- 3 pairs tights: two Under Armour (one of which is old and really should be replaced) and one pair of Pearl Izumis for below freezing running
- 5 pairs capris: This is a little excessive and I really only run in two pairs of them, both of which are Brooks. The others are more ‘pilates’ style pants though they do get used!
7 pairs shorts: Some may see their last season this summer. Most of these are Brooks shorts which I’m a big fan of as they know how to put pockets in the right place.
- 7 sports bras: Nearly none fit perfectly. I still tend to defer to my Gracie’s Gear bra though for races simply due to the front pocket.
- Socks: I literally didn’t even bother counting. They overtake my drawer.
- One pair compression socks
- One pair of arm sleeves that I bought with the express purpose of using at the Steamtown Marathon and subsequently have never worn.
- Currently have two active pairs of running shoes: Nike Zoom Vomeros and Adidas Energy Boosts primarily for speedwork and shorter runs
Of this inventory, I will always have my favorite ‘go to’ gear, gear that is best for winter and gear that is best for running at night.
What about you? What’s in your drawers and what do you love best?
Great post. I need to do the same exercise. My running clothes and shoes were spilling out of the closets and into our living space. My wife finally told me that they needed to go into a spare dresser in the guest room. I tend to be sentimental and never throw anything out, but pretty soon, all the running gear will swallow you up.
Also, please change my email to the above address, which is new. Thanks.
Haha! Love that I’m not alone in this. I also try to take old shoes to donate for Soles to Souls. I imagine running stores would take other things too.